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Utah Trikes Square Safety Flag



Availability: 10+ In Stock

Represent! This Utah Trikes flag will help make you more visible, and everyone will know you got your trike from the #1 recumbent trike retailer in the world! It's easy to attach and it will look great behind your trike.

This add-on flag attaches to the velcro sleeve on our Ruffled Flag with Pole.



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"I need one of these. I just lost mine recently on a windy night ride, plus it would be a great way to advertise for Utah Trikes"

"Safety should always be the first choice. The sooner you are seen the less likely you will be a speed bump, besides the flag has a cool saying."

"I lost my flag randomly, so I am glad there are replacements so cars can see me"

" I love it because being seen is very important when you are out riding. You do not know how many times I have come across people who are not easily seen because they do not have a flag, lights, or some kind of reflective device to let them know that they are here."

"Gotta love the UT flag. Is a great way to be seen on the road and a great conversation starter about Utah Trikes."

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