What is your favorite color? Mine is orange. The brighter the better. Like fire with wheels. This trike is ready for the bumps. With 20x4in Fat tires and full suspension, this beast can handle the trails.
DNM DV-22 Air/Oil/Coil Spring Shock - 650lb - Basic damper in our offer. Spring-oil type. A reliable and convenient damper which is especially suitable if you ride with approximately constant load and mainly down asphalt paths or biking routes.
Utah Trikes Rack with Integrated Fender for Annihilator - Our adjustable rack fits the Annihilator perfectly. With this option we mount the fender directly to the rack to eliminate the traditional wire stays. This makes the fender much more rigid and secure and keeps the rack height as low as possible.
Mirrycle Mirror Adjustable Mirror - The Mirrycle Mirror is by far the most popular mirror for recumbent trikes. It is well made, attaches to any 7/8in tube or handlebar and is easily adjustable. This is an essential safety item for anyone riding a recumbent bike or trike on the street.