Why Dwayne Rides a Trike - The Catrike Trail as a Therapist's Couch
Dwayne - Published on 11/21/2023
I'm a 56 year old career paramedic a bicycle mechanic hobbyist and a life long cyclist. Prior to experiencing a stroke in late August of 2022 I was an avid mountain and road cyclist. I was left unable to use my left side initially I was unable to walk or use my left arm
My therapy was as fairly intense over the last months however I wanted more than anything to get on a bike. In order to fill the void I bought a second hand Catrike Trail and got the experience of tricking and since bought a new upgrade version.
I've been sold ever since my first ride , I’ve built strength and agility activating muscles I was unable to activate since my stroke in August. I'm inspired to share the ”freedom” of triking to others who struggle with mobility issues. My journey has been fairly easy compared to others I know , however using the trike has changed my life.
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